Tips for a spring detox routine

La dietista Mónica nos da algunos tips de détox
At this time of year, natural cleansing processes take place in our organism and we are going to show you how to boost their effects.

Here are some of the tips given by dietician Mónica Valls.

5 easy tips to cleanse your body naturally:

1. Drink water before breakfast

It is very important to drink water before eating your usual breakfast. "If it is lukewarm water, it is better", recommends Monica Valls, as it is better assimilated by the body.

Monica also adds a few drops of lemon, to promote this detox effect. Lemons are very alkalising for the body and help to stimulate the digestive system. We can also add a few pieces of ginger, turmeric and a few drops of apple cider vinegar for extra purification.

"We drink it in small sips during the morning and then leave it for about 15/20 minutes before having our usual breakfast".


2. Incorporate smoothies

It is a very good option to incorporate smoothies into your diet both for breakfast and for mid-afternoon. The interesting thing about smoothies is that they are a simple and convenient way of having a few portions of vegetables and fruit in one go. Did you know that by blending everything you keep the fibre, which is essential for a regular digestive system?

Monica Valls reveals the ingredients she includes in her green smoothie:

  • Lettuce leaves
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 Apple
  • 1/2 Pear
  • Water

Smoothie verde

Hydrate well during the day

We know that it is very important to get the optimal amount of water daily. Water, as well as helping us with body processes, also helps us to eliminate toxins.

Mónica teaches us to be creative and gives us some ideas for making our own infused waters: water with lemon and pineapple, mint leaves, red fruits, mint leaves, herb leaves, etc.

Agua con limón y pepino

The aim is to aim for 8 glasses of water a day to help the body's detox processes.

4. Introduce raw foods

We are coming from winter, from higher calorie, denser, more cooked diets. Now we are moving towards spring/summer, a time when it is warmer and the body asks for different things. That is why we need to incorporate raw foods, those that maintain all the nutrients and enzymes and that also hydrate us and provide us with fibre.

One simple way is to incorporate salads into your diet. You can rotate the green leaves with foods that have a slightly bitter taste, such as endive, endive, asparagus.... "They will enhance the detox effect on our liver and help us to purify toxins," says Monica.

5. Try herbal teas

Infusions, especially those made with herbs such as rosemary, lemongrass or dandelion, will help you have a better digestion and increase the detox effect of eliminating toxins.

Monica's advice is that during this time of year, try to substitute desserts for herbal teas.


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