Microplastics and Alternatives to Prevent Their Impact on Our Health and the Planet's

Many of the cosmetic products we use contain microplastics embedded in their formulas, which can severely damage our health. Now, the European Union wants to completely eliminate them and restrict the sale of products with intentionally modified formulas. However, many such cosmetics are still on the market. How can we avoid buying them? What other alternatives are there? Labeau Organic explains.
Microplastics: What Are They?
Microplastics are a mixture of polymers and additives with a size of less than 5mm. They can be classified as primary and secondary, the latter being the result of the degradation of plastic products. They are not soluble in water, and their degradability is very limited. These particles can be found in exfoliants, nail polishes, hair products, or makeup, and they are typically used to give texture and consistency to the products. However, nobody tells us about the dark side, which is that these particles often end up in the drainage system when the product is removed and ultimately contaminate rivers, lakes, and oceans, where thousands of marine species live, and eventually, we consume them.
How to Avoid Products with Microplastics?
You might be wondering, how can I tell if a cosmetic contains microplastics? We recommend checking the list of ingredients that cosmetic products usually have on the back of the packaging, and if you see "Polyethylene" or "Polythene," don't buy it! That's the name given to this type of particles.
Opt for using products that, although may not have the same fame as those sold in conventional supermarkets, serve the same purpose and are free of plastics. Also, opt to buy from local shops that are free of plastic packaging.
Organic and Reusable Alternatives
Most products sold in supermarkets contain these microplastic particles that can seriously harm our bodies and our planet. Therefore, we propose some alternatives that you can apply to avoid consuming them:
Microplastics in the Kitchen
Although we have been mentioning that microplastics are very common in cosmetics, they are also found in the kitchen, the main place where we cook everything we eat. Therefore, it is also necessary to be careful about how and where we handle the food that we are going to ingest. Labeau recommends switching plastic cutting boards for wooden ones, as cutting ingredients on them releases thousands of plastic particles that end up contaminating the food. We also recommend using reusable cloth bags when shopping to reduce the use of plastic bags. Tap water also contains millions of plastic particles. To avoid or reduce them, install a water filter. Also, consider using eco-friendly options in cleaning utensils such as sponges and microfiber cloths.
Another Source of Microplastics, Laundry
Washing machines and dryers are responsible for millions of microfibers ending up in the oceans every year. To avoid this, separate clothing made of polyester, nylon, and acrylic from those made of natural materials such as cotton and linen, thus reducing the shedding of microfibers. We also recommend using fragrance-free detergents and soaps that avoid damaging your clothes and thus releasing more plastics.
Choose Natural Cosmetics
Increasingly, there are natural alternatives for your skincare routine and makeup look that are free of plastics and can significantly improve your health. At Labeau Organic, we have a wide variety of facial, body, and hair products that are free of plastics and ingredients that can harm your health and the environment.
Opt for healthier alternatives that do not harm your health and contribute to protecting our planet.