Discover the Benefits of Postbiotics for Hair Health

In the constant search for hair care solutions, more and more people are turning to postbiotics, an innovative health and beauty trend. But what are postbiotics really and what are their benefits for our hair?...

The Transforming Power of Refill

In the constant search for more sustainable practices, the concept of "refill" has become a prominent player. But why should we refill? This blog explores the reasons behind this simple act that has a significant...

Pregnancy and how to care for ourselves

Pregnancy is an exciting, transformative and special time in a woman's life. Both physically and mentally, there are constant changes, which is why it is vital to take care of yourself and your baby in...

Microplastics and Alternatives to Prevent Their Impact on Our Health and the Planet's

Many of the cosmetic products we use contain microplastics embedded in their formulas, which can severely damage our health. Now, the European Union wants to completely eliminate them and restrict the sale of products with...

How to Prevent Hair Aging?

From the age of 30, the first gray hairs tend to appear. Density, thickness, shine, volume... all of these are qualities of our hair that start to decrease with age. Hair aging, like skin aging,...

Ideas de Regalos de Navidad para mujer

En Labeau Organic te damos ideas de los mejores regalos que le puedes regalar a una mujer en Navidad en cosmética orgánica. ¡Un acierto asegurado!

¿Cómo hacemos cosmética natural en Labeau Organic?

Descubre nuestra esencia y únete al movimiento natural con Labeau Organic.

Los increíbles beneficios del Baobab que no conocías para tu piel y tu pelo

Es increíble que una sola planta tenga tantos beneficios para la piel y el pelo como el Baobab, pero… ¡así es!

¿Qué regalar por Navidad?

¿Quieres hacer un regalo especial por Navidad y no te vienen ideas? Aquí podrás inspirarte con regalos para Navidad que serán todo un acierto. ¡Toma nota!

Cosmética española: ¿Por qué elegirla?

Cada vez somos más —¡afortunadamente!— quienes apostamos por cuidar la salud de nuestra piel y la del planeta. Y el surgimiento de cosmética ecológica en España es prueba de ello.